Waterfall Frog

The Waterfall Frog (classified by scientists as Litoria nannotis) is tiny, only about 2.5 inches in length. It has a dark olive-brown or black back with a shiny bluish coating on its sides. The backs of its legs are dark brown and the belly is a creamy white. The coloring of this frog helps it blend in well with the rocks that it lives on, giving it protection from preditors. Its back toes are fully webbed, helping it when it enters the water.

The Waterfall frog can be found in warm tropical rainforest areas. It likes to perch on rocks near large streams, but if it is startled it will quickly enter fast flowing water or waterfalls and hide underneath rocks there.

Female Waterfall frogs produce eggs all year around. They lay eggs in large clumps underneath rocks to keep them safe. When they hatch, the tadpoles can graze on the algae often found in the fast moving waters. Unfortunately, the Waterfall frog has been disappearing in recent years. We are not sure why, but some researchers believe that a fungus plant has appeared that is poisonous or harmful to the frogs.

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