
The Robin is a member of the thrush family of birds--a family that also includes bluebirds, solitaires and thrushes. Robins are very common in England, the USA, Canada, Mexico, and much of Europe and are easily identified by the bright brick-red feathers on their chests. They have gray-brown feathers on their backs, white bellies, and streaks of black along the throat. Robins are between 8 and 10 inches long and about 77 grams in weight; their small size lets them fly easily.

Robins are found in woodland parks, fields, gardens, and even at the foot of mountain ranges. They like to perch in trees or hedges, singing their distinctive song early in the morning and grooming themselves. Robins are often shy if approached by humans but appear very proud when singing to other birds. This songbird eats worms dug from the ground, insects, spiders, seeds, and the berries they find on trees. Fruit is also important to the robin during the summer. Robins migrate seasonally, spending the winter months in flocks in the southern parts of the USA and Mexico. They return to their original homes in early spring.

Female robins build their nests in trees during the early spring. These nests are shaped like round bowls and are lined with mud and grass. At this time, male robins will begin to sing loudly, showing off in order to attract a female mate. After mating, the female lays 3 to 5 sky-blue eggs. These eggs are quite distinctive in color and make a robin's nest easy to identify. Both parents guard the eggs for about 2 weeks, after which the eggs hatch. The young robins are fed earthworms (high in the protein they need) by both the male and female until they are ready to fly for food on their own. Two to three weeks after birth, the young robins will be independent.

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