Red-Eyed Tree Frog

The Red-Eyed tree frog (classified by scientists as Agalychnis callidryas) is very distinctive, with its bulging red eyes, bright green color, and blue/yellow stripes down its sides. Their toes are orange with large toe pads to help them climb trees. Depending on the situation, this frog can change color to a dark green or even brownish-olive! Males are smaller than females: males average 2 inches while females can be up to 3 inches in length. The unique red eyes actually help protect this frog: if it opens its eyes quickly, the bright color might scare away an enemy!

Red-Eyed frogs live in semi-tropical rainforests, usually in South America or Central America. They are active at night, looking for the crickets, moths, grasshoppers and small frogs that they eat. During the day they sleep or rest in trees and under large leaves. This frog is a wonderful jumper, using its strong legs to escape enemies such as owls, large snakes, or bats.

Red-Eyes breed in from October to March--the warm months in the rainforests of South America. To attract females, male Red-Eyes will make a distinctive croaking sound. After the rains, females mate and then go to pools of standing water to lay between 30 to 50 eggs. These eggs are positioned under leaves or other plant life in the water. In 5 days, the tadpoles will move from the leaves into the water. It takes another 80 days before they are ready to come out of the water as adult frogs.

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